Thursday, September 13, 2012

Problem Solving

Amy has been doing so great this week. She has definitely had some icky moments, but her overall cooperation has really been great.

I think I feel like the NFB has given her a little "jump start" to growing up. I feel like we can have more mature conversations, that she is able to think more logically, and that she is able to solve her own problems.

For years, when Amy has encountered a problem, her immediate response is to whine and/or melt down. We have been trying and trying to teach her to pause and think when something unexpected comes up, but she just can't. This past week, however, I have noticed a change. For example (small thing, but big for us!) she wanted to watch a television program, but it was after her bedtime. She started to whine, stopped, and said, "Oh, well, can you record it for me?"

Sure we can. And that was that. Huh.

Monday, September 10, 2012


I don't know what was going on last week, but things seem to be better again. In the past few days we've had some good things, and bad things, but overall, Amy seems pretty calm. She's had fewer tantrums, and those she does have she is able to calm down faster. Incidents of note:

1) So we got a puppy. I know -- brilliant timing, right? So far, pup has been doing really well. We were (are) hoping that the puppy will help Amy with some of her sensory issues (she needs to be brushed regularly, played with, walked, etc). So far, Gwyn has done an awesome job at taking care of the dog, but Amy is VERY nervous around her. She is a 3 pound, super calm and gentle Maltese/Shih-Tzu mix. Puppies really don't come much mellower, but Amy gets very tense whenever the puppy comes close to her. It's kind of funny to watch, because she really loves the dog a lot -- she just loves watching other people play with her. Gwyn and Micah are happy to oblige. :) Of course, the question is, what is she afraid of? We can't figure it out, really.

2) It's Amy's birthday week. She has been begging me to tell her what her gifts are for days, because she can't stand the nervous feeling of not knowing. This isn't the same kind of hopeful begging most kids have. It is a tearful, afraid begging. She just REALLY hates surprises.

3) Amy seems like she is doing better, though. She's been playing much better with Gwyn and Micah. One problem we have been having is her sprawling all over the couch, and not giving anyone else space. She didn't like to sit in our living room chair, because the foot rest always slid away. We solved that problem by tying the footrest to the chair, moving the whole contraption to a more central place in the TV room, re-arranging the rest of the furniture (a little awkwardly, but, hey...), and declaring that her spot. I can't believe the difference that move has made! The flow of the family room is not so good anymore, but the peace is worth it.

So, overall, writing this I guess I'm realizing that we seem to be shifting from major problems that clearly need outside help, to normal kid problems. It's kind of hard to know the difference at this stage, and sometimes I feel like because we have had all these other issues that I blow "normal" issues out of proportion (like putting off doing her homework or not putting her backpack away).

Long post to say not much is happening. :)

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Never Mind...

The past few days have been pretty frustrating around here. It seems like all the progress Amy has made in the past few weeks has left the building. Since Saturday, she has had numerous tantrums (including a few where she was kicking, biting, hitting and pinching me or her sibs), she has had a lot of trouble controlling her squirminess, she has been very frustrated with everyone around her and even her good moods have a "manic" feel to them.


Gram (God bless Gram) is taking her to an appointment with the Good Doc tomorrow since I am teaching. I'll be there to pick her up, but she is not going to be happy about that.

Mike has noticed a few times where she has cleaned something up without a fight, or where she has shown some cooperation.

Most of our problems this week have come from transitions (straight from school to piano, getting ready for school) or personal space (unable to share the couch, can't sit next to someone without sitting on them, etc.)

So there's that.