Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Good Mood

Wow, Amy was in a good mood today. I picked her up from school and she came bouncing out talking about her chorus audition, she cooperatively went along to drop the other two at Gram's (God bless Gram) house. She was pleasant with our Good Doc and spoke about the kind of treatment she wanted. She went to her piano lesson without complaint.

Car rides are usually a pain in the rear end around here. They are prime times for sibling fights. Amy loves to kick the seat or pull on the seatbelt in front of her. All three try to talk and interrupt at the same time.

Today, for whatever reason, all three behaved beautifully in the car. They even sang a song together without fighting. After Amy's treatment, we went to dinner and they didn't whine. They laughed and talked like normal people.

So nice.

Today, Amy asked if she could play the video game style of NFB instead of watching the movie. She got to race helium balloons and cats against each other. The first time she tried, she came in last place, but the second time (and with a few adjustments by the Good Doc, I imagine) she won! She was really tickled, and it was hard for her to calm down enough to play the game again, but she pretty quickly got into the groove of it, and began winning most of her rounds. Towards the end she started to get a little squirmy, and her mood suddenly shifted. She didn't say anything, but you could tell she was ready to go. After she finished her last one, she jumped up and said, "I have to go to the bathroom!"

So that explains that.

Amy realized tonight at homework time that she had left her math book at school. Because we left early, she didn't think to grab it. This caused a short-lived panic that I was able to talk her out of by saying she could 1) do it first thing tomorrow morning when she got to school and 2) that I would e-mail her math teacher to let her know. A similar experience a year ago caused many many many tears.

Tomorrow is treatment number 3. So far so good!

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