Saturday, August 18, 2012


Another crummy day for our Amy! Last night was movie night and it took a very long time for her to recognize that she needs to keep her body parts to herself. Sensory issues!!!!

This morning we all went to watch Micah play his first soccer game. She did not want to go AT ALL. After we placed her in the car kicking, screaming and hitting (this is an 8 year old girl, don't forget), she screamed the whole way to the park. She then refused to get out of the car, refused to put on her shoes and made quite a scene for herself.

During the whole game she sat in her chair and whined or moped.


1) Lately she has been showing a lot more aggression (especially towards me). She will hit and kick, when she doesn't get her way. I don't think this is a result of NFB, as it started a few days before her first treatment, but it has become a typical reaction from her.

2) Usually she doesn't throw huge fits in public. She will whine, but she is too embarrassed to scream like she does at home. That was a new thing today.

3) Her dad and I have been trying to figure out how to adjust our expectations of what she can and cannot do. She seems to be stuck at the emotional level of a 3 year old.

4) I'm getting increasingly concerned about our younger two children. Six year old Gwyn has always had a very sweet spirit, but she has been losing her temper more often and has started to show some defiant behavior. I think it is really hard for her to see her sister "get away" with some of the stuff she does, and she can't make accommodations for her. It's very confusing for her that our expectations for the two of them are different. Micah always rejoices when there is a night when Amy isn't around. This makes me sad.

By the way, 4 year old soccer is hilarious.

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