Wednesday, August 22, 2012


A few really good things today, after a rocky start.

Mornings are icky. I'm not a morning person. None of my kids are morning people. Yuck. This morning I have to get kids out the door by 8:15. Micah is up by 7:00, begging me to play "Super Mario Galaxy" so he can watch. Sorry bud, that's not happening!

I'm still trying to get the girls out of bed at 7:45. Gwyn is having an especially hard time this morning and keeps yelling at anybody who comes too close, not getting dressed, not eating breakfast, yadda, yadda, yadda. Mornings are prime scream time for Amy, and she kept sneaking back to bed after being dragged out. Nobody was happy this morning when the bus showed up, but the girls managed to get off to school, and Micah finally talked me into playing "Super Mario Galaxy".

After school was MUCH better, however, and we had a number of good things happen this evening.

1) Amy's third NFB treatment went smoothly. She doesn't like the gel they use to stick the sensors to her scalp, and at first refused to cooperate. Her defiance wasn't the same tearful, angry stubbornness that we have seen, however. It was more of a playful, "I dare you to make me" type of attitude. Still not really great, but not bad either. She sat through the session and did really well.

2) I told her as we were leaving that tomorrow we had to come back for a morning appointment, so she would be late to school. She does NOT like this plan. One of her big anxieties is getting behind at school, so to miss is embarrassing and problematic. She threw a temper tantrum in the car that lasted...

...until we got out of the parking lot. That's it! No 30 minute screaming fit! I was shocked.

3) Afterwards, we went to Gram's (God bless Gram) for spaghetti. She watched over her 1 year old cousin responsibly, was in a good mood, ATE all of her spaghetti without complaint, and when I asked her to pick up the toys so we could leave, she didn't throw a fit. She just...did it.

4) On our way home, Gwyn was singing in the backseat while Amy was trying to read. This usually sparks major problems. There have been many times I've had to pull over to let everyone in the car cool down, because I couldn't drive safely with all the fighting in the car. Today, Amy asked Gwyn to please be quiet. When Gwyn continued to sing, for the most part, Amy IGNORED HER. This was also shocking. I could tell by a few squirmy sounds coming from the back that she was annoyed, but she didn't scream or panic. She just dealt with it.

5) Finally, since hubs is out of town for a few days, I had to help with homework at the same time Micah had to go to bed. Gwyn is learning some first grade spelling words, and we were having such a pleasant night, I thought, "Why not?". I asked Amy to please help Gwyn with her homework. She said, "Sure!" and when I checked on them a little while later, Amy was in full blown teacher mode, working patiently with Gwyn and helping her write her letters the right way. Neither of them were frustrated.

So -- good day!

Here's the insanity:

I called the Good Doc's office today to get all 17 of Amy's remaining treatments on the calendar. I thought we might have a few weeks of during school appointments, followed by mostly after school sessions. Nope. Every single opening they had available until mid-October is during the school day. Her teachers are going to LOVE me. Yikes.

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