We had a busy weekend, so it was an interesting experiment to see how Amy did. Overall, she is really progressing. When comparing this weekend to last weekend (remember the soccer game? Oy.), we are in a much better place. I keep finding myself shocked at little things she does, like compliment my hair, or help Gwyn with a project, or cooperate when I ask her to help out. She's even given some spontaneous kisses and hugs. Weird, I didn't really notice that she didn't do that often until she started to.
She's becoming fun to be around!
We did have a few incidents this weekend that weren't so good. She flew into a rage with her dad (who really wants his own pseudonym, so I'm going to call him Mike). I didn't quite catch what it was about, but she wound up in her room for a while. There have been some whiney times and defiant times, but almost all of them are resolved rather quickly. It's like she realizes it's immature halfway through.
Church has been a pretty squirmy place for Amy, historically. At our church, children sit through the service with the adults, and then go to Sunday School. Usually, by the end of the service, our pew is littered with crayons, bulletins, a doll, and a pen or two. She usually shifts from one end to the other end, takes a bathroom break halfway through, squirms on someone's lap for a while, and is generally very fidgety. Today, she wasn't slumping, lying down, squirming or restless. She just sat there. She followed along with the bulletin, and did the "Children's Activities". She was present in church, not just there, if that makes sense. That was pretty awesome. And I didn't feel like I had to do a clean sweep of our entire pew at the end...
This week we only have two NFB sessions. I have noticed that the further we get from the last one, the more her behavior deteriorates. That is supposed to get better as time goes on.
I think everyone around here has been feeling a lot of stress begin to melt away. Except maybe Gwyn who hasn't recognized the changes yet. She still gets angry at Amy quickly, because that is the way they have been interacting for forever... I need to have a little talk with her tomorrow, probably.
Overall, Yippee yay yay!!!
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